7 Things to Do If You Feel Helpless
If you are feeling helpless, it might seem like there is nowhere to turn or nothing you could possibly do to bring hope back into your life. But, you need to know whatever the reason for your helplessness whether it be an addiction, mental health issues, or something else entirely, there is a way back. You can regain your power and you can go on to live a happy life.
Below you will find things you can do if you feel helpless that can really help you to get back on track and start feeling better:
1. Work out why you feel this way
What do you do if you feel helpless? Start by seeing if you can work out what is causing you to feel this way. Is it an addiction that you just cannot break? A traumatic experience that you simply cannot get over? A lack of self-esteem? The more you know about what is causing this feeling, the easier it will be to tackle it in the future.
2. Think about why you are resisting empowerment
Is there any reason why you are holding back from fighting these feelings of hopelessness? Do you think you aren’t strong enough? Is it easier to stay helpless than it is to do the work to overcome it? Think carefully about what is holding you back so you can work on challenging those negative thoughts in the future.
3. Remember thoughts are not facts
Thoughts are just that. Thoughts are not facts. When you state struggling with feelings of helplessness it is worth remembering that.
4. Challenge Your thoughts
Now that you know thoughts are not fact, when you are having a negative one that makes you feel even more helpless, stop and challenge it. Tell that voice in your head that no you are not powerless. You know you can take positive steps to improve your life. Just this simple act of changing your thoughts will help you to get up and do something about the way you feel.
5. Control the things in Life you can
There’s no point worrying about the things you can’t control, and doing so will only make you feel more helpless. So, stop thinking about the impossible and start thinking about positive steps that are possible to take that will give you more control in life.
6. Make acceptance a part of your life
Accept what you are feeling now, acknowledge it, and find peace with it. Spend more time living in the present, and eventually, you will start to feel better, even if life does not change dramatically for you.
7. Focus on your strengths
We all have strengths and weaknesses and by focusing on your strong points instead of the things you maybe don’t do so well, you can increase awareness of the fact you are not hopeless. You are great at something. Whether it be art, or music, or helping people, that is valuable. We all have something to contribute.
Overcoming helplessness is totally possible, and the team here at Rock Bottom Hope can support you on your journey from helplessness to wellness. So, why not connect with us at 877-423-HOPE today.