Danny Childress
Founder of RBH…then and now!
Danny’s Story
I was raised in a Christian home by parents who really loved me and cared about my relationship with God. However, exposed to pornography; the enemy began to twist my mind at an early age. I hid all my findings from the people I was closest to and I continued down a secret road of my own. From 10-13 years old I would sneak cigarettes from family members and friends that smoked. This also was a hidden rebellion.
At the age of 14 I went from being home-schooled for years to a culture shock of a high-school. I tried my best to fit in, but quickly gravitated towards partying, drugs, alcohol, and sex. My family had lived out my relationship with God for me and I rejected Him, spit in the face of God, and turned hard into the dark world of addiction.
My life spiraled when I ran away at 15 and moved into a crack house in Pasco, Washington. There I lived with people in their 30’s & 40’s who used daily to numb the pain they were in. I was sexually, mentally, and physically abused on a number of occasions. I attempted suicide twice and continued to hide from the pain by drinking a 5th of rum daily and using ecstasy and amphetamines as often as I could.
At the age of 18 there was a bad physical altercation that prompted me to quickly move to the Portland, Oregon area where I stayed sober for 2 weeks. I then began the daily habit of using meth any way I could. Shamed by my past and scared of my future I threw myself further into meth addiction than I even thought possible. I was alone, hurting, and I didn’t want to stop.
I created a track record of jail time, identity theft, and credit fraud. I stole any chance I could and ripped off all I came in contact with. I stole from family members, friends, enemies, and strangers. Eventually racking up 5 felonies. Yet I kept running.
July 24th, 2008 I laid next to a toilet. I had a bag of dope on the sink next to me and I was desperately trying to hit a vein with an overly used needle. Drops of blood formed in many places, but I could not get the hit because my veins were too sucked up. I weighed 115 lbs, sores all over my body, and teeth rotting out of my head… I was the living dead.
At that moment I heard the still small voice of a Savior I once knew. Jesus said, “'I’m faithful to meet you where you’re at, but I’m just as faithful not to leave you there”. I began to think about the person they would find if I died. They would see this homeless gutter junky and that would be my legacy. Things needed to change and I was ready to surrender my life. The next day I was checking into a year long program called Adult & Teen Challenge and my life was forever changed.
Since finding Jesus and sobriety in 2008, I have worked as the Intake Coordinator for Central Oregon Adult & Teen Challenge, helped cultivate a local Children’s & Family non-profit, opened a Community Pay It Forward program; and served as a Campus Pastor for Mission Church, a multi-site church community. I launched Rock Bottom Hope January 1st, 2020 as a 501(c)3 dedicated to bringing HOPE to the furthest heart. We launched with the money in our pockets and hearts full of faith! Now, God has given me the amazing opportunity of being able to serve people through Rock Bottom Hope full time!
During 2020 after serving God and living my life right I was able to get all of my felonies expunged. It was amazing to receive the letter stating that it was just as if I’d never committed them. Isn’t that just like God? He is so faithful to rescue, restore, and redeem us. I have learned that every story matters.
Today I am the CEO and Founder of Rock Bottom Hope. I serve as a mentor to people at all stages in their recovery and I love to encourage them to the HOPE that is available to them. Through strategic conversations and planning I help others with the tools they need to walk in sobriety. I also work with family members who are struggling with loved ones lost in addiction. I work to inspire others to freedom, breakthrough, and wellness.
I have learned to embrace my past, live in the present, and be challenged for the future. I have 4 incredible kids with my beautiful wife Allesha and our home-base is in Houston, Texas where we serve HOPE to our community and beyond with an outstanding volunteer team sold out to Jesus Christ.
I urge you to please consider getting in contact with us by clicking the button below so that RBH can show you how to find hope just like I did! If you wish to partner with us, please click here.
Overcoming a 10 year amphetamine addiction.
Starting a new life after 7 felony charges and 4 felony convictions.
A full expungement of record and having all felonies wiped away.
Mentoring others who have experienced difficult life-controlling issues since 2009.
Receiving my pastoral license and working as a campus pastor for a multi-site church.