What Helps With Grief and Loss Feelings

The process of losing someone important to you and going through the many stages of grief is tough. And no matter how many times in your life you experience it, it doesn’t get any easier. There are things, however, that can help you get through the process of grief and loss a little better. We’re going to talk today about some of the things that help, so read on if you want to find out more.

Being Kinder to Yourself

One thing that you should definitely try to do is be a little kinder to yourself from day to day. A lot of people fall into the trap of being very harsh on themselves when they’re going through very tough times in life, such as those involving loss and grief. That’s why it’s important to practice kindness. Simply being gentle with yourself can actually be a lot more difficult than it might sound, and that’s why it’s important to work on it.

Remembering That Your Feelings Are Normal

It’s important to remember that the feelings you’re experiencing are not strange or unusual. You’re not a bad person for struggling, and it certainly isn’t a sign of weakness at all. Instead, realize that it’s something that you should embrace as normal and work through at your own pace. There is nothing unusual about feeling like you’re on an emotional roller coaster at times like this.

Spending Time Around Friends

Spending time around people who support you and make you feel better is definitely very important. If you’re feeling lonely, it can be helpful for you to spend time around people who make you feel less alone. It can be tempting to shut yourself away from the world at times like these, but that rarely helps so try to be around people who want to support you.

Setting Regular Routines and Schedules

Having a routine and trying to stick to it can help a lot when you’re trying to make things seem normal. Even if it’s just getting to bed at a certain time and getting up at a certain time; things like that can really help a lot when you’re feeling down. Adding new things to your routine over time will eventually help you return to some kind of normality.

Being Active Will help

Finally, you should try to be active and not spend too much time alone with your thoughts. When you get up and do something, or play sports with others, it can really help you to find meaning and put your body in a healthier place. And when your body is healthier, your mind tends to feel healthier as well, so it’s definitely worth a shot.

Dealing with grief and loss is always difficult, and it’s not something that you should rush.

Taking things at your own pace, validating the feelings you’re experiencing, and talking to people when you need that extra support are all things that are really important. These steps will help you come out the other side in a strong position.

If you are struggling with grief and loss, free to reach out to Rock Bottom Hope. We are always here to help.