Helpful Tips on Walking Alongside Someone at Rock Bottom

being there for someone

Throughout life, there will always be times where we struggle mentally and for some, they will completely hit rock bottom. When hitting rock bottom it can be a very lonely place, but having someone there to support you can make a big difference. They say a problem shared is a problem halved and by having someone to lean on and talk to through this difficult stage of your life, can make a huge difference. 

If you know someone who is struggling at the moment, we have put together this article to support you when walking alongside someone at rock bottom. 

Be there to listen, try not to fix the situation 

When supporting someone who has hit rock bottom it’s important that you are there to listen but not to try and fix the situation. In many cases, as the person hits rock bottom, they will feel that you don’t understand them and that you haven’t been in the position they have been - In many cases, this is very true.  

When communicating with them, try to ask them open questions and don’t judge. Be patient and let them explain to you how they are feeling. Always let them know that you are there for them and that they can come to you at any point if they want to talk. 

Not making it about you is helpful

This is a very important point when trying to support someone. The situation is happening to them, so don’t try to flip the conversation and make it about you. By making it about you, it can belittle how the person is feeling and make them feel like you are only thinking about yourself when in actual fact you are there for them. If you need to relate to them, try and relate in a way that isn’t talking about yourself. 

Recognize and share their strengths 

Whilst the conversation may feel very negative when they are talking, it’s important to try and bring a positive spin on things to bring them up. Instead of trying to argue with the negatives, recognize their strengths and tell them the positives that you have seen from them. Maybe they have been doing great in their job but haven’t realized, or they have done something that you think they should be proud of but they don’t talk about it. If they are really low, even the fact that they are talking to you about their struggles is a big deal. 

They don’t want to feel the way they do

When someone is at rock bottom in life, it is a horrible place to be. You feel lonely, scared, tired, so many negative emotions run through you. When communicating it’s important to remember that they don’t want to feel this way. They may say certain things but that’s because they are in a negative space. They are fighting an invisible battle which at the moment could be winning but you supporting them can help them unwrap the chains and get through this hard period for them. 

What tips would you recommend to help someone who is supporting someone at rock bottom?

Is there anything you would like to add to the above points? Let us know. 

Rock Bottom HopeRock Bottom