6 Ways To Live Boldly and With Hope

living boldly

The past two years have been challenging. Every month was dominated by words like “self-isolation”, “crisis”, and “quarantine”. Some of us had to deal with the loss of a loved one, others lost their jobs, and others were stuck miles away from their family. With so much going on in the world, it can be difficult to look at the bright side and live with hope. 

It’s true - the journey to living boldly is long and certainly not straight and without challenges. However, there are plenty of ways to rediscover your values, find hope, and renew your purpose. Start here. 

Practice Bold Self-Love

The body and mind you live in is your ultimate home. And it is essential to practice love, gratitude, and respect for all that our body allows us to do on a daily basis. While our lifestyles get busier by the day, you can find hope by just taking a moment, closing your eyes, and realizing how worthy of love you are. This is a simple exercise, but it can truly change how you see your environment. 

Find Ways to Give Back to the Community

Knowing where to find happiness is essential to start living boldly and with hope. Most of us believe that shopping therapy, buying something new, or accumulating money in the bank is the answer. But true happiness can be found in giving back to others, helping those who need a hand, and volunteering to improve your community. Studies confirm it, but you only need to experience this one to just know that that’s where happiness lies.

Spend Time In Nature Fearlessly

On average, we all spend over 90% of our time indoors. So much so, that we tend to forget how endless the healing power of nature is. Anytime you feel like you just can’t find hope or confidence in yourself, take a stroll along the beach, visit a local park, or take a hiking trip. Fresh air, sunlight, and the peace of the natural environment will offer immediate benefits.

Challenge Yourself and Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Getting out of our comfort zone means evaluating and conquering our fears. It can be difficult to know how you would react once you step out of the routine and places you know best. And, not all experiences that you will live out of your comfort zone will automatically be positive. But there is no better way to start knowing - and appreciating - yourself.

Be Grateful and Build Valuable Relationships

We are one with our surrounding environment - and no person is an island. This means that being grateful to our support system and building happy and valuable relationships with our friends and loved ones can go a long way. If you are unsure about how to practice and express your gratitude, start by writing a journal, offering a smile, and thanking someone. 

Rediscover Your Faith with Boldness

We all have faith. You might not consider yourself religious, but your faith is still there. While it is easy to get lost among everyday challenges and in a world dominated by consumerism, faith is the ultimate emotional anchor. 

Start taking some time out of your day to meditate, be grateful for what you have, and take another step towards reuniting with your faith. It will all be worth it!

Find Support at Rock Bottom Hope

Lastly - remember that you are not alone. Sometimes, finding hope and living boldly can seem impossible, especially if you are facing your challenges alone.

Get in touch at Rock Bottom Hope to find the love and support you need to turn the page in life and start your next, happy chapter.