What to Do When You’re Feeling Emotionally Drained

how to stop being emotionally drained

Do you ever have days where you just don't feel like yourself?

A lack of happiness or a bad mood? You've likely reached an emotional exhaustion point; you’re emotionally drained. Considering how hectic our lives are and how much we have on our minds, this is to be expected.

Even though it's normal, you don't have to keep going through this – you don’t have to accept it as just another part of life. Taking care of yourself properly can help you feel better emotionally and improve your mental health at the same time. Read on to find out what to do when you feel emotionally drained so you can stop the feelings and put your life back on track. 

You can't always decide how your day will go, but you can choose how to start it. Wake up early (don't hit the snooze button), drink water, meditate, do a quick workout, read a book, listen to joyful music, and be grateful.

Once this morning routine becomes a habit, you'll feel more accomplished as you cross things off your list, and sooner or later, you'll feel your spark come back. Also, don't touch your phone for at least an hour. It will help you make the most of your time and keep you from seeing things that could ruin your day. When you’re feeling mentally drained, this could be what stops you from feeling better.  

Change Your Diet to Improve Mental Health

What we eat has a significant effect on our levels of energy and ability to focus. Making small changes to our general diets, like eating more fresh food, fruits, and vegetables and less processed food, can help us feel more energized and less likely to become emotionally and physically drained. 

Breathing Exercises 

When our emotions are drained, it's easier for us to give in to anger, irritability, or sudden rage outbursts. Emotional exhaustion just wants to get rid of itself, and it doesn't care who it hurts in the process. We might feel bad about what we did afterward, but at the moment, we can't stop ourselves. This is one of the major signs you are emotionally exhausted.  

Taking a deep breath is a powerful way to calm down. When we're angry or upset, our breathing and heart rate speed up, which triggers the fight-or-flight response in our bodies. When that happens, it's harder to think clearly and make good choices. When we focus on our breathing again through breathing exercises, we let it calm and reset the fight-or-flight response. 

Exercise When You Feel Drained

If you want to know how to stop being emotionally drained, one good answer is exercise. It's easy to turn on the TV when we get home from a hard day, sit down, and do nothing, but that only makes us feel more drained. Getting out in nature and engaging in any form of physical activity might improve our emotional health and help us forget our concerns for a while. 

If you can’t go outside for any reason, exercising indoors will also help, although fresh air is the best thing for you if you can get it.