How to Stay Positive With Depression

how to stay positive with depression

Depression can strike at any time; it can also affect anyone, no matter how successful you are. Depression can be a difficult thing to manage, but there are skillful strategies you can employ to get through it and recover. Understand your episode and use the strategies below to help.    

Self Care Strategies 

No matter whether your depression is mild or severe, you need to practice self-love and self-care. One of the best things you can do when you have a low mood is to accept the situation and look after yourself in the best possible way. Look out for self-care patterns. 

Everyone has good times and bad times, and during the good times, you will have certain activities that you enjoy; it could be a hot bath, a night in with some takeout, or a conversation with a friend. Make yourself as comfortable as possible until the heavy clouds start to lift.   

Mindfulness Practice 

Mindfulness can be practiced no matter what mood or mind state you are in; it is also excellent for accepting the way you feel in the present moment. When you have a low mood, it helps to focus your attention and control the thinking mind. Mindfulness of breathing is an ideal strategy. 

Practice mindfulness of breathing by making yourself comfortable; this could mean sitting or lying down, but it can also mean using a proper meditation cushion or stool. Next, follow the breath through your nostrils into your belly and exhale. Breathe ten times and then repeat.  

Body Scanning 

When you are depressed, your body might feel heavy and sluggish; you might not feel as though you want to pay attention to your body at the moment; however, body scanning is an excellent way to explore how you are feeling in your body at the moment to find a resolution. 

Continue with your mindfulness of breathing but turn your attention to one of your body parts; this could be your feet or legs, your thighs or abdomen, your chest area, your neck and back, your arms, and your neck and head. Try to accept how you feel in your body to stay positive.  

Talking Therapy Benefits

Depending on your condition and your personality, you may or may not benefit from talking therapy. Talking therapy is excellent for creating a safe space to explore some of your thoughts, ideas, and stories that have been occupying your mind. It helps when someone listens to you. 

When you have a low mood and no one to talk to, it is very easy to become occupied with your ideas and stories about your life, but talking to someone brings a new perspective and helps you to untangle some of the contributing ideas. You can feel more positive after taking therapy.   

Gratitude Practice

A low mood doesn’t come alone; it often comes with a deep sense of worthlessness and isolation. The reality is quite different, but it is not always easy to see. Use a gratitude journal to write down as many things as possible that you are grateful for, including the ability to breathe.